Salutations to Salito’s Acoustics

by Wall Covering Designs Inc. on April 24, 2012

Salito’s Crab House , formerly “Paradise Bay,” opens its doors for business in Sausalito with updated décor, a delectable, reinvented menu, and a pleasant new feel. Shortly after opening, it was apparent to owner Jerry Dal Bozzo, that the new makeover, although inviting, wasn’t very conducive to a peaceful, noise-free dining environment. Jerry, being an experienced restaurateur owner of 9 hot spots in the North Bay, knew that it could only be good for business to get the restaurant’s sound setback under control. He called WCD to the rescue and within a few short weeks, we targeted the sound culprits and whipped the two indoor dining areas back into top client-worthy shape. We accommodated the restaurant hours by installing the panels over several early mornings before 10AM as we believe in refraining from interference during operation hours. The results were so phenomenally effective that Jerry immediately (within a month) ordered additional panels for the bar area as well. Talk about a satisfied customer of ours! Just as pleased as Jerry is of our help as we are of his returning patronage, we are proud to blog about yet another case of how acoustic panel ceiling installations prove to make extraordinary changes in subtle ways.



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