Our Live Demo Reels in Pear Street Bistro

by Wall Covering Designs Inc. on May 4, 2012

If you haven’t dropped by downtown Pinole, it is quite a treat—the welcoming area certainly has much to offer for its locals and visitors. And nestled downtown is Pear Street Bistro, a long-time icon owned by Gary Wong. Gary has always been aware of his loud bar area, but unfortunately, did not know where to turn to for help. If it weren’t for his cousin who hosted our live demo at his Ace Wasabi Rock N’ Roll Sushi restaurant, Pear Street Bistro wouldn’t have been able to effectively put the noise to rest with cost-efficiency and ease. Below, we’ve included his comments and thoughts on our installation.


Hi Connie

It turned out great! The product was a little lighter than the original ceiling color but nonetheless it WORKS…lets allow this to settle in before and see if the main dining room can also benefit from it! Your installer’s were fantastic, Great job!!!!!

Gary Wong


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